Week 3 : Day 6
We did two practices today Ex # 20 Touching Body Energy Ex # 6 Joyful Breath All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 3 : Day 5
We did three practices today Ex # 44 Touching the Senses. We did the second variation where you first move the left shoulder and then the right shoulder. And we did it standing Ex # 10 AH Ex # 34 Inner Gold All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 3 : Day 4
We did a brief massage of the arm. We massaged point 5 and traced the line to point 7, massaging both points. See the diagram on page 125 Then we did Ex # 88 Stimulating Inner Energies. We did the second variation of Ex # 88 where you start by making a fist and the…
Week 3 : Day 3
Kum Nye Works just as you are. Come in whatever state you are in. Trust Kum Nye to transform that state We did the following practices Ex # 19 Revitalizing Energy Ex # 38 Enjoying Sensation Massage of pressure point 1. on the chest. See page 115 Ex # 10 AH All practices are from Kum…
Week 3 : Day 2
We did three practices today Ex # 37 Balancing the Senses Ex # 38 Enjoying Sensation Ex # 10 AH All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 3 : Day 1
We did just one practice today. Ex # 17 Lightening thoughts. We took about 45 minutes to complete the movement practice and sat for 15 minites in stilness at the end. What is “Week 3 : Day 1”? What happened to “Day Fifteen”? – Maybe the blog poster cannot count above fourteen 🙂 All practices…
Day Fourteen
We started with Ex # 3 Tasting relaxation Then we went on to Ex # 57 Opening the Heart We finished the session with Ex #4 Following Sensation. At the end of the session I read the paragraph in Ex #4 on page 36 (2nd paragraph on the page) as a practice you can pursue…
Day Thirteen
We started with a head massage of points 2, 7, 8. This is described on page 94. Then we did Ex # 9 OM We finished off with Ex # 69 Clear Mind All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Day Twelve
The first practice was Ex #61 Expanding Body Energy We briefly did a head massage of the pressure point 1 Finished the our session with Ex #9 OM. All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Day Eleven
We started with Ex #14 Feeling Breath. Then we did the sitting variation of Ex #48 Enjoying Space Finished the session by coming back to Ex #14 Feeling Breath All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku