Week 8 : Day 1
Santosh started with Ex # 72 Embodiment, working with the Navel center Diana led the practice Ex # 40 Awareness of the senses All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 7 : Day 7
We started with Ex # 46 Refreshing Energy We briefly did Ex # 72 Embodiment, focusing on the Navel Center. The plan is to build up on Ex # 72 over the next week All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 7 : Day 6
Diana started the session with Ex # 8 Living Life in the Breath Santosh led the final practice with Ex # 106 Trinity of Practice: Breath, Energy and Awareness All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 7 : Day 5
Santosh led the first practice Ex # 39 Swimming in Space Diana led the next practice Ex # 84 Stimulating the Essense of Vitality All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 7 : Day 4
Santosh started the session with Ex # 7 Opening the Senses Diana led the next practice Ex # 50 Interactinv Body and Mind We finished the session with a focus on the Throat Center. This was inpired by the last paragraph on page 39 All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 7 : Day 3
Santosh started the session with Ex # 97 Touching Time Then August led Ex # 19 Revitalizing Energy The final practice led by Santosh was Ex # 73 OM AH HUM All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 7 : Day 2
August lead the first practice Ex #17 Lightening Thoughts Santosh lead the second practice Ex # 33 Energizing the Lower Body All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 7 : Day 1
We did two practices Ex # 80 Inner Massage. We read the first paragraph on page 291 Ex # 21 Healing Body and Mind All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 6 : Day 7
We did two practices Ex # 59 Transforming Energy. Before this practice started, we read some passages from it. The reading was from the last paragraph on page 274, and first paragraph on page 275. Ex # 73 Om Ah Hum All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 6 : Day 6
We did two practices today Ex # 79 Healing Energy Ex # 41 Body Alertness All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku