Week 10 : Day 7
Diana led Ex # 100 Wholesome Energy Santosh continued with Head massage (page 91, last bullet point). We started from point 6 and worked to point 1, moving towards the front of the head All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 10 : Day 6
Diana led Ex # 99 Touching Positive Feeling Santosh continued with Head massage (page 91, last bullet point). We started from point 1 and worked to point 6, moving towards the back of the head All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 10 : Day 5
Ex # 58 Coordinating Wholeness of Energy (2nd variation) I forget what practice we did before that, since I blogged this three days later. All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 10 : Day 4
Started with shoulder massage page 111-112 (only first paragraph in page 112) Then did Ex # 58 Coordinating Wholeness of Energy (1st variation) All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 10 : Day 3
Just one practice. Santosh led Ex # 20 Touching Body Energy All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 10 : Day 2
August led the practice with Ex # 26 Activating Inner Massage The next practice was Ex # 52 Vitalizing Energy All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 10 : Day 1
Diana led with Ex # 90 Living Breath. The next practice was Ex # 14 Feeling Breath All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 9 : Day 7
Diana started with Ex # 28 Body of Knowledge The next practice was Ex # 12 Breathing OM AH HUM All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 9 : Day 6
Andrea led Ex # 20 Touching Body Energy. And then did Ex # 73 OM AH HUM. All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku
Week 9 : Day 5
Andrea started with Ex # 74 Wholesome Vitality Then she went on to some head massage to activate the head center. This lead to Ex # 72 Embodiment (concentrating on the Head Center) All practices are from Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga – by Tarthang Tulku